Wednesday, October 31, 2007

OK I've been tagged!

Jobs I have held: (which ones haven't I had should be the ?)
1) Burger Flipper
2) Tire Deliverer
3) Ad Builder
4) Assistant Teacher/Really Old Senior (in High school)

Movies I can watch over and over:
1) Dumb & Dummer
2) Tommy Boy
3) Night At The Roxbury
4) Joe Dirt

Guilty Pleasures:
2) Loud Music
3) Electronics
4) Sugar of any kind

Places I have lived:
1) Tempe, Az
2) Flagstaff, Az
3) Tegucigalpa, Honduras
4) Salt Lake City

TV Shows:
1) The Dead Zone
2) The Office
3) Scrubs
4) Matlock

First Things I thought when you saw your significant other:
1) WOW check out that hair!!
2) It's about time she called me back (2nd 1st date)
3) I love Ghost Busters too.
4) Let's go watch Phill sing

Places Been on Vacation:
1) San Fransisco, CA
2) Jackson Hole, Wy
3) San Diego, Ca/Tijuanna, Mexico
4) Denver, Co

Favorite Foods:
1) Anything Mexican...with a few exceptions
2) Shepard's pie
3) Pork Chops and Applesauce
4) Bar-B-Que

Websites I visit Daily

Injured Body Parts
1) Stitches in head
2) " in eye brow
3) Broken Arm
4) blood (malaria)

Awards Won
1) Eagle Scout
2) Some math award in Jr. High
3) Skills USA 2nd in State
4) My wife (the other guy wasn't to happy about it)

1) Sunkist
2) Gigante
3) Peludo
4) Elvis

I Tag Tim Butler, LuAnn (Mom), and Erin (Sister)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Your blog is awsome! I totally laughed. I need to work on mine, I know. You will have to help me so that I can pass on the tag.